Brutally Honest Facts About Sales Coaches That You Certainly Didn't Know

Ask a sales manager to list his/her top priority - and we can say with certainty that “being a great sales coach” will feature at the top. 

So, are they really doing that? And even if they are doing it, are they supposed to do what they are doing? Let’s read to find out the answers.

Coaching For Sales Online in Dubai
Coaching For Sales Online in Dubai

Does Sales Coaching Matter?

Yes, very much! Studies have shown that coaching for sales online boosts performance, builds motivation, engagement, and finally leads to better revenue numbers.

Well, the importance of coaching for sales online is clear – developing and maintaining the sales performance of the team. But there is a queer point that has come to our notice.

As per reports, between 2013 - 2015, only 4 out of 10 salespeople (both manager and team) were able to hit their sales target.

Given that coaching for sales online is a vital way to nurture sales tactics and the sales managers are “supposedly” doing it, then why does the performance remain so poor? We might have the answer for you.

Are Sales Managers Coaching The Right Way?

The sales managers of the most popular sales companies say that they coach their team at least once a month. The average estimate is 2.1 hours per salesperson per week.

So, at such a rate, the results should have been tremendous. Maybe the high confidence of sales managers does not match with the frontline team’s low perception of sales coaching. Nor does it go well with the low, volatile performance of the salespeople.

Here are some more harsh realities about sales coaching –

1. About 1/3rd sales reps do not receive any coaching
2. Out of the sales reps that are receiving coaching, they receive less than 1 hour each week
3. Less than half of the sales reps do not receive regular coaching

What Is The Takeaway Then?

For all the sales leaders sitting on their chairs thinking, why their sales managers are unable to bring results with their coaching, know that they might not be doing it right! Like we have seen above, the sales managers either lack the competence to coach or have a low priority over it.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that satisfaction from coaching for sales online is so low. 

So, how can you mend the situation? 

We recommend you follow these five steps to boost coaching provision:

1. Making sales managers accountable for providing high-quality coaching
2. Formalize sales coaching within the sales organization’s operating rhythm
3. Take every opportunity to coach the sales team
4. Don’t stick coaching only to the high-performing salesperson
5. Practically coach your team on the effective selling tactics

Final Thoughts

Making simple changes to the way coaching is valued and administered will have a significant impact on its provision to the frontline.

To score better at sales coaching, enroll in RoofTop coaching for sales online programs. With them, you can avail all the premium courses from top-rated sales institutes in Dubai.


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