3 Expert Strategies To Stop Your Sales Training Programs From Crumbling Down

Every year, close to 95% of all sales companies invest in sales training Dubai. Half of them spend up to $6K per sales rep for it.

Yet, research after research tells us that 80% of these sales training programs just don’t work. At best, it brings a minor performance bump for the current quarter. And then everything falls back to right where it started. Trying hard to achieve the monthly sales numbers.

So, Are All Sales Coaching Training Doomed To Fail?

Of course not!

The failure of sales training programs is not inevitable. The top sales coaches have some secret strategies to make your training initiative a success. Here we are sharing the expert insights with you.

Strategies To Prevent Your Sales Training From Failing

Sales Training
Sales Training

Talk To Sales Reps Before Building The Program

Often, sales leaders form a notion of what participants need and want all by themselves. And guess what - 9 out of 10 of these predictions are a failure. No doubt, why most sales training programs fail before they even reach the end.

So, if you want your training program to be a success, don’t commit this mistake. Make the participants as involved as possible in the training. Collaborate with them to make the coaching relevant.

If not all, connect with at least a few participants before deciding on the sales training strategy. You can get a glimpse of what challenges your reps are facing. Also, they can share with you what they are hoping to get out of the program.

Start Training With Immediate Interaction

The first 15 minutes of the sales coaching training session is crucial. You can either capture participants’ interests or lose them forever during this time. 

So, get the sales reps involved right away. Share with them the training agenda the day before. On the day of training, ask them – “You already know the agenda. Are there any more topics you would like to be covered to make the program more worthwhile?”

If they share any ideas, write them on a whiteboard. During the remainder of the training cover, emphasize the mentioned topics. This will make the sales reps feel the sales training was indeed for them.

Push Sales Reps Outside Of Comfort Zone

Real learning happens when you push sales reps out of their comfortable areas. Some sales rep focuses only on generic benefits for buyers. It is your job to push them further. Help them get specific on their own.

Sales reps must take risks to drive success forward. As a sales coach, you must push reps out of their comfort zones and drive real learning.

Position Your Sales Training Program For Success With Professionals

Avoid the pitfalls in sales training initiatives by partnering with professional institutes. RoofTop Sales is one such premium institute with expert sales coaches. Their trained sales reps have seen a higher sales closing quota of 81%.

Enroll your sales reps in a professional sales training program today!


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